Payments are due Friday, June 8, 2012.
Singles are $10, Couples are $15.
Money order (no checks) or Paypal to
The cheapest way to transfer money to me is a straight Paypal personal payment bank transfer if you have a Paypal account associated with your bank account. Please note that you do not have to pay fees if it is coming straight from your bank account as a personal payment!!
If you don't have a Paypal account, it is super easy to use a credit card through Paypal. Go to , click "Send Money" and follow the directions. BUT PLEASE, if you do use a credit card, please add the fees to your payment.
Payments including fees are as follows:
$10.59 for singles
$15.74 for couples
Sorry, I will not accept checks. Money orders only. I realize that is a drag but that's my condition.
Send to:
Cathy Ours
PO Box 9381
Columbus OH 43209